Sunday, September 8, 2013

50 Hand and 50 Foot Challenge #9

The last of the hands! Count: 50 Hands! and still at 33 feet. Been catching up on TV shows while drawing. Busy life, but enjoyable. Hope to update again soon.

Friday, September 6, 2013


3 Credits to my name, not too shabby... I've actually gotten a promotion since the last time I wrote on here. I am now an Assistant Producer at Playdek. It's a lot of work, but it's really great to learn so much.

Working on some more hands and feet while I catch up on tv shows each night.
Hope to see you soon.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

50 Hand and 50 Foot challenge #8

Count: Hands 40, Feet 33

I've gotten back to my drawings a bit, but life's been busy... lets see it's been about 3 months since I've posted. I got a job as a QA Analyst for a mobile game developer, we've been working hard on a game, so that will hopefully be out soon, and I hope to get to share my first credits here.
I've gotten these drawn over the last week while I've been catching up on some tv shows, which is always fun.

Hope to update this soon with another chunk towards my goal so see you then!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

50 Hand and 50 Foot challenge #7

A few fun perspective feet here, a few working to keep in proportion. 

Count: Hands 31, Feet 33

Over halfway for both, but I've got an early morning, and busy day, so I don't expect the time limit to be in my favor. As I said, still planning to finish 50 of each, but it might be a few weeks before I get back to this. See you then.

50 Hand and 50 Foot challenge #6

Ok, perspective.... some were easier than others, some more successful than others. But practice all the same.

Count: 31 Hands, 26 Feet

Not sure I'm going to get the next 40 in less than two days... but still going for 50 and 50 even if I don't finish by the 18th. See you soon.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

50 Hand and 50 Foot challenge #5

Hands and feet together are their own challenge, Being able to see the underlying form of the foot while still keeping the space and shape of the top hand(s). It also gave me the chance to get through more hands and feet together.

Count: 24 Hands, 26 Feet.

More, hopefully to be finished tonight, hands in fun perspectives. Something everyone should practice.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

50 Hand and 50 Foot challenge #4

Some differences in style, the bottom (1989) I tried a different type of shading, but i think the area was too vast and I was trying to work too fast for it to look great. I'm happy with some of the other choices I made, but it's just about keeping going right now. Used this to take a bit of a break from my animation, and I do need to get back to it, so I hope to update you all with that soon as well.

Count: 18 hands, 21 feet.

See you soon.