Monday, April 9, 2012

Drawing Challenge #4

As mentioned in my previous entry, over this last week I've been working on my fourth drawing challenge. Classic disney characters, those from the Mickey Mouse world.

I had a little discrepancy when I asked friends for suggestions of who to draw, not realizing that the very clear image in my head did not translate when I wrote it down. I had only hinted at the Mickey Mouse part, so I ended up with a buch of older Disney character from a range of movies, but I still got a few good characters to work with, and have become slightly obsessed with one of my favorites again, Max Goof.

Props crew

In addition to my drawing and animation I am also a part of the theatre department at my school. Each semester there are 2-3 school productions which are directed and designed by staff with the work of student actors, designers, and crew.

This last week has been a jumble of days as I worked backstage at CSU Chico's production of Rashoman. I worked as the singular member of a props crew setting up prop tables for the actors, as well as assisting one of the assistant stage managers while she did her part in keeping the actors safe.

Although I make this sound thrilling, there were down moments, during which I went back to drawing again. It's nice getting the chance to work on drawings without the interruption of other work. And thus to my next drawing challenge!

Drawing challenge #3

My third challenge I set for myself was drawing the servants from Beauty and the Beast.

I thought by avoiding the humans it'd be a good challenge... Little did I realize how much detail is packed into these small characters. Thus I attempted a few characters and decided to come back to this movie after I get a little more practice with some other styles.