Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Emotions #1

Getting back into Animation has been my work for the last few weeks, although not going extremely smoothly, as might be expected. After the massive amounts of plans that have gone by I'm finally getting back on track.

Before running face first into a complicated animation that might stress me out enough to not finish it, I decided to do some pose work. This would give me a chance to start up with the rigs again, and still work on something that is important to animation. So here i give my first piece. Geometry isn't amazing, but I'm thinking that it portrays the emotion that I was hoping to.


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Drawing Challenge #5

So I've been away for a while, graduated, enjoyed a family vacation, and moved. But during all this I got a few how to draw books for Disney characters.

Of course I started with the Brave book drawing Merida and her brothers. I quite enjoy drawing her, and the style I've learned that goes well as her hair. Thus I hope you enjoy my latest challenge art.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Drawing Challenge #4.5

It's been a few hectic weeks but in some spare time I've been working on a few more drawings pertaining to the #4 challenge.

I quite love Max Goof, so I found an episode of House of Mouse that I took some screenshots of and drew these from them.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Drawing Challenge #4

As mentioned in my previous entry, over this last week I've been working on my fourth drawing challenge. Classic disney characters, those from the Mickey Mouse world.

I had a little discrepancy when I asked friends for suggestions of who to draw, not realizing that the very clear image in my head did not translate when I wrote it down. I had only hinted at the Mickey Mouse part, so I ended up with a buch of older Disney character from a range of movies, but I still got a few good characters to work with, and have become slightly obsessed with one of my favorites again, Max Goof.

Props crew

In addition to my drawing and animation I am also a part of the theatre department at my school. Each semester there are 2-3 school productions which are directed and designed by staff with the work of student actors, designers, and crew.

This last week has been a jumble of days as I worked backstage at CSU Chico's production of Rashoman. I worked as the singular member of a props crew setting up prop tables for the actors, as well as assisting one of the assistant stage managers while she did her part in keeping the actors safe.

Although I make this sound thrilling, there were down moments, during which I went back to drawing again. It's nice getting the chance to work on drawings without the interruption of other work. And thus to my next drawing challenge!

Drawing challenge #3

My third challenge I set for myself was drawing the servants from Beauty and the Beast.

I thought by avoiding the humans it'd be a good challenge... Little did I realize how much detail is packed into these small characters. Thus I attempted a few characters and decided to come back to this movie after I get a little more practice with some other styles.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I decided to take on characters and scenes from The Nightmare Before Christmas as my second drawing challenge. This of course is a much tougher challenge for me learning drawing styles, but the characters are still fairly simple shapes thus worth learning.

I drew a few scenes suggested by friends and some characters as well. Being an older movie some of the characters were hard to capture a good image to draw, but I did what I set out to do. Being my favorite movie I hope to, later in my work and practice to do this movie again. And without further delay, my drawings.

What can I say but I love drawing Zero.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


A few things I learned while doing these

1) Dogs have the same shapes pretty much regardless of type or size

2) Kevin is amazingly fun to draw anyone who loves to draw should try to draw her at least once


3) Drawings will rarely turn out perfect, but it's more about what you take and learn from one drawing to the next.


So I've been working over the last few days on attempting to learn some cartoon styles. I started in an interesting way, taking images from Up and setting forth to see how well I could draw them. The first image didn't go so well and in return I started doing some character drawings of the characters, and I loved it. Today I went ahead and went to re-draw the scenes that I had attempted the first day and they went a lot better, but two or three days of drawing this wont make me an expert. So... I'm on to my next experiment.

I plan to post images as I go from both this previous attempt and my new attempt, when I get the chance and plan to update here with my work and progress. Any suggestions are always welcome, even if I can't promise to use them.